Ansonia Bike Tour Gallery

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   Moving from Wakelee Avenue, I crossed over the Maple Street Bridge. There are a couple of "perspective shots" taken as I walked across. I wondered what folks might have seen back in there day - how it could have different? - or the same?

   On a more historical note: When Farrell set up shop in downtown Derby, that area was then known as Birmingham. As this building was a "local branch" of the Farrell Factory located there, the name Birmingham, was tagged.

Naugatuck River
(from Maple Street)

Farrell Factory

(Facimg west
f rom Maple Street)

(Facimg east
f rom Maple Street)

Main Street

(rear from bridge)

Farrell Factory

Farrell Factory

Farrell Factory

Farrell Factory

Main Street

   The Ansonia Opera House slowly fades into obscurity. One day, I do hope it will be revitalized - it's quite a landmark!

Main Street
(looking south)

Ansonia Opera House

Ansonia Opera House

Ansonia Opera House

East Main Street
(formerly Canal)

   The Cliffwalk has a special place in history - and in my heart. Back in the day, it provided a means to easily traverse from the steep hils of South Cliff Street to the business of Main Street crossing over what is now East Main Street. I'm working on getting images of the way it looked back when - there simply aren't that many to be had.

   It was one thing to be standing in the middle of East Main Street - yet, the realization that this was once a canal, made the experience all the more odd. As I took the pictures, I tried to recall the wooden planks that were once over my head, as I continued down the path leading between the Farrell Buildings.


East Main Street

Cliffwalk Stairs

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk heading west

Cliffwalk facing east

Cliffwalk facing east

Cliffwalk continuing east

Cliffwalk continuing east

Cliffwalk continuing east

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